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Artificial Intelligence
(AI) Classes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often referred to as the new electricity due to its transformative potential.

Personal digital assistants (Alexa, Siri), autonomous cars (Tesla, Waymo), recommendation systems

(YouTube, Netflix) and Generative tools (ChatGPT, AI Art) have become pervasive and impact various

aspects of our everyday lived experiences.


Our specially designed program for High School students introduces them to the foundational

concepts that underpin AI. The curriculum is designed to expose them to exciting applications of AI in the areas of Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Generative AI. Their learnings are crystalized through practical, hands-on exercises that have real world applicability.


Looking to learn about our programs?





Our Mission

"Our mission is to inspire and empower the next

generation of innovators and budding entrepreneurs by providing an engaging and hands-on learning experience in Artificial Intelligence.

Through our classes, we aim to introduce students to the fundamental concepts of AI, cultivate their problem-solving and critical thinking skills, and foster ethical awareness in the use of AI technologies. By exploring real-world applications and encouraging creativity, we strive to equip students with the knowledge and tools to shape a positive and responsible future in the world of Artificial Intelligence."

Image by Bernard Hermant
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